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Nice: An Unexpected Jewel

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2015                                                                               Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    Dec   

The most recent entries are at the top of this page. Earlier entries follow in reverse chronological order.

On August 21-23, 2015 I visited Caleb, Carrie and the grandkids in Texas.

Caleb and Carrie's front yard. Caleb's and Carrie's back yard. Caleb and Carrie.
Jagger's favorite trick. Jagger. Boston.
Carrie's mom and Paisley with a little of Harper behind Paisley. Harper. Boston.
Paisley with her window cat. Jagger in Halloween costume with Paisley. Carrie and Paisley in Halloween costumes.
Early morning Jagger. Caleb's place of business. Harper waiting in Caleb's waiting room.

On August 19-20, 2015 I visited my sister in Rohnert Park, California. We caught up on family history, visited the Charles M. Schulz Museum and ...

My sister and I outside the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California. Snoopy outside the museum. Woodstock in the entryway of the museum.
Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree. Original Schulz sketch and movie cel. Bedroom mural Schulz painted for his young daughter.
Wooden carving of Snoopy's 50 year evolution. Charles Schulz's desk. Schulz's drafting table.

... the Jack London State Historical Park (I've always been a big fan).

At the entrance to Jack London ranch. The ranch is a California State Historic Park near Glen Ellen, California, United States, situated on the eastern slope of Sonoma Mountain. Jack London's house.
My sister and a very pleasant tour guide with a passion for all things Jack London. The office where Jack London did most of his writing. Koi pond designed by Jack London and friend, Luther Burbank.

Fun pics of my sister and me before I leave for Texas.

After talking about it for three years, we sold our house on 31 July 2015 to start our retirement in France.