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I've been zooming with many friends this month. That part of the Covid lock down is a big plus - opportunities for keeping in contact with friends in and from the states.

We've had comfortably cool Autumn weather lately. Perfect for walks in the park.


Charlie and Buster were neutered. That slowed them down for one day. Now they are back to kitten warp speed. Charlie is outpacing Buster in body mass but Buster is longer and much more active. Both of them act like squirrels, chewing into bags and boxes and climbing everywhere. Kittens! Nerve wracking tension alternating with soothing purrs and mews. Sigh.

Charlie is getting bigger every day. Tommy and Buster on different levels
of the kitty tree.
Room for all three on the kitty tree.
Charlie has his "Batman ears" up.
The little guys like to be close to Uncle Tommy.
Here they are on the towel protected chair.
Playing in the kitchen. The boys on their way to the vet to get sterilized.
Charlie with his signature head tilt.
Charlie back from the vet
and licking his sore parts.
Buster doing the same. Comforting each other while they heal and rest.
Feeling better now, Buster explores
the bag from the vet.


COVID-19 got much worse in France this time around. Regions are no longer taking patients from other regions because all hospital ICUs are at or near max capacity.

France hit 1 million total cases today, Spain did yesterday. A 9PM-6AM curfew was initiated in France


Our daylight savings time started Oct 25. We only have 1 more time change next spring and then no more.


A second COVID-19 lock down is initiated for 4 weeks (until Dec 1 at the earliest - it may be extended). At least the parks and beaches remain open this time.

These pictures are from our walk through the historical quarter of Rennes just prior to the lock down.

Don't see a lot of Halloween displays in France.
This is in a children's educational store.
Another part of the same store. Jacques Brel in a used record store for a euro.
Folks shopping in the historical quarter. "Wearing a mask is compulsory in Rennes" Another shopping area in the historical quarter.
Rennes Opera House Rennes City Hall Carousel near the Opera House
Leaving the shopping area
in the historical quarter.
Palais du Commerce, the original
stock exchange of Brittany.


As with Democrats in the states Democrats Abroad France has stepped up it's GOTV efforts. I received a phone call and many emails asking if I knew how to vote and if I had voted. The voter turnout in the states has been incredible. Everyone should vote by mail all the time.

The New York Times has live updates for the election and here's one from NBC.

In closing here are 2 videos you may find instructive and fun:

Wear a Mask

My Vote, My Voice, My Right

Happy Electioning!